Author: Jeremy Overton
As an advisor, coach and local leader, Jeremy Overton has spent the last 12 years educating and motivating individuals, families, and business owners who are interested in having a greater impact on their communities, the people they love, and the causes they support. You can connect with him on: Google+

The Formula For Release of Attention

When my business partner and I were building the accountability tracker,I contacted Zivorad Slavinski and asked him if I could use Vlademir’s “Formula for Release of Attention” listed on his site. It’s still the best way I know to get

What Centipede Teaches Us About Marketing

Do you remember the game, Centipede on the Atari? If not, give it a look. The idea was that you fired from the bottom of the screen and you could move from side to side and up and down just

Inventory Your Business Promises to Manage Expectations

Try taking an inventory of how many business promises you make on a daily basis. Completing a daily inventory, for even a week, will help you manage client expectations. There’s nothing wrong with promising your clients excellent customer service or
