Author: Jeremy Overton
As an advisor, coach and local leader, Jeremy Overton has spent the last 12 years educating and motivating individuals, families, and business owners who are interested in having a greater impact on their communities, the people they love, and the causes they support. You can connect with him on: Google+

Trouble With Widgets in WordPress?

Sometimes, you can’t find an answer to the problem you’re having unless you know what to ask. I’ve never run across anything in WordPress that didn’t have a simple solution, the problem is always How long will it take me

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How To Set Yourself Apart Before an Interview

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“I Need Direction” — Set Waypoints in Your Life

Whether you’re a high school graduate deciding what to do next, a college student deciding whether or not to accept a free internship, a young woman whose hair is falling out because of stress or a business owner who simply

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