Finding A Bad Virtual Assistant is Easy

Having a great “first time” finding a Virtual Assistant isn’t always that easy, so here are some tips and tricks for starting out with a Virtual Assistant website or firm to make sure you don’t end up with a bad Virtual Assistant Experience.

While obvious errors make the response you see below a clear-cut “no way,” not all VA providers are as easy to spot.

Bad Virtual Assistan Response

1) Take your time: You can search for days, why wouldn’t you?  You’re a quick start entrepreneur, you’re among the first to implement . . . otherwise, you wouldn’t be hiring a Virtual Assistant!  Fight the urge to dive right in.  Instead, take a week to look into who is a right fit for you.

2) Read the fine print:  I was all ready to sign up with a VA firm that looked and sounded great on paper.   Then I asked if there were any other fees.   Yes, there was a $395.00 fee for an assessment and match with my dedicated VA.  While that may make sense to a seasoned VA user, it certainly wasn’t what I had in mind when I heard that I could get started “for as little as 5 hours a week.”

3) Present a scenario and get an answer:  The same reputable firm offered a “month by month” contract, which sounded great.   When I finally asked them, “So I can literally just keep this service for one month, then quit?” they informed me that in spite of the “month by month” agreement, there is a 60 day notification period to stop the service!  By the time I could get it cancelled, I would have spent an additional $1,600.00.

4) Document, Document, Document:  Note that you read the fine print, asked about other fees and presented scenarios about what would happen if you were to stop the program, who you spoke to, and what time.  Hopefully you won’t have to use it, but it just takes a minute, and you can tuck it away in case you ever do.

5) Play hard to get: Again, it may go against every fiber of your being as an entrepreneur, but if you can fight back the urge to get started today, you can probably negotiate a better deal.  VA firms are notoriously consistent with their follow-up.  Take their calls, let them know you’re not sure if you’re ready to move forward, and ask them if they (or their manager) can come up with a better deal.  Often, you’ll be glad you did.

6)  Use Amex:  In my experience, the folks at American Express stand behind their cardholders.  If you follow the steps above and STILL have a problem, you can show your documentation to cardholder services and they will get right to work to help you resolve your dispute.

Remember, people are human, you can’t blame a whole organization for one person who was trying a little too hard to make a sale.



Curiousity and Communication

I value curiousity as the most necessary complement to all other virtues.

Whether it’s my auto mechanic, my attorney or a shoe salesman, I’ve found that the people I value most in my life are genuinely curious. They value understanding the problem before they begin to offer solutions.

Think about it . . .

Curious people ask all the right questions, not because they don’t agree with your beliefs or goals, but in an effort to better understand your goals so they can recommend the appropriate product, service or course of action for you to increase the level of pleasure or eliminate some kind of pain in your life.

Without curiousity, there’s little chance of forming a connection.

Seek out and reward curious people by telling them what you want.

Evaluate your tone when you hear something you don’t understand, don’t agree with or haven’t heard before. Try saying, “Tell me more about that.” instead of coldly asking “why?”

Be curious, not just about what you see, but about what’s missing, where people are going and why they want to go there.

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Create, Implement and Measure – Three Things You Must Do to Grow

There are (at least) three things you must do to grow.

Fill in the others if you wish, but don’t neglect these three things.

Create (90% of high earners’ speech is future oriented)

Implement (you have to get started)

Measure (this can be informal. better is an acceptable measure!)

Which one are you the worst at?

Consider dedicating your internet search time to finding resources to help you.

Better yet, hire someone who specializes in that area — is a great, low-cost, zero commitment site/app to get quick help from an expert.

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