To Find the Right Answers, Find Someone to Ask the Right Questions

Are you looking for all the right answers?

When it comes to the decisions you make, you may be drowning in a sea of solutions.

It’s not that you don’t know what to do, it’s that you’ve been told by too many different people what you should or shouldn’t do. When people decide to hire a coach for the first time, they’re so caught up in all of the actions they’ve heard they need to take to get to where they think they’re going that they’re generally paralyzed.

A great coach’s job is to help you to filter all of those solutions, to quickly get your eyes up and looking out at the future. Often, the hardest part is getting you to tell them what you want your future to look like. Once this is accomplished, they can help you make sure you set realistic goals based on your  current resources and time frame. Then, and only then, can a coach tell you what specific solutions you need to employ in order to begin to develop the future you are looking for.

Having the right focus is necessary before you can begin to employ the necessary tools.  With so much “noise” (information about products and strategies that don’t fit the needs of the average person) in the marketing world, it’s gotten to the point where almost everyone feels like they can do it themselves.

It is likely that you do need the help of a coach.  Their experience and the mistakes that they’ve seen others make will help you greatly reduce the pain you’ll face while working to achieve your goals.

As an advisor, coach and local leader, Jeremy Overton has spent the last 12 years educating and motivating individuals, families, and business owners who are interested in having a greater impact on their communities, the people they love, and the causes they support. You can connect with him on: Google+