Help People Find the Real You Online – Be Yourself

For years, I’ve been developing a bank of content that I can put online in a format that will allow others to understand more about who I am.

It took forever to develop the confidence to share it.

It’s not easy. . .

I still dabble with SEO, but I’m gaining momentum.

I’ve hired a few freelancers to help me out here and there . . . I’ve found that there are really bad freelancers who are really cheap and some really bad ones who are really expensive.

I’ve found that there are really good web freelancers, and that they all seem to know what they’re worth.

 I know there are talented people out there who would help me spread my ideas more quickly.

I know there’s a faster way than to build links and develop your own content from scratch.

I understand what it’s like to wrestle with whether to schedule some of your best stuff for later, as if you’ll let down the masses if you decide to take a three-month break.   

I figured out how foolish that seemed when I realized I didn’t even have an audience!

It’s amazing how much you find out you don’t know as you learn more about getting “found” online.

Starting a blog is easy… sharing it is hard.

I probably didn’t do a good enough job of sharing and documenting my WordPress struggles and successes over the past four or five years.

People could really benefit from my mistakes – watch Indiana Jones as he does what very few of us take the time to do (watch all the way to the end or fast forward to 1:50):

He took time to show the path that he took, knowing the value of the perspective he gained while he was acting on faith alone.

Being yourself — Sharing your struggles and successes may not help others solve their problem, but at least it may help them to better understand their problem so they can look for a solution.

As an advisor, coach and local leader, Jeremy Overton has spent the last 12 years educating and motivating individuals, families, and business owners who are interested in having a greater impact on their communities, the people they love, and the causes they support. You can connect with him on: Google+